Publication Lists

International (Conference)

번호 제목 작성자 날짜 조회수
217 J Turk, SJ Lee, W Zhang, “Interaction of a real seal whisker with the surrounding flow: Vortex shedding and vortex induced vibration”, 15th Int. Conf. on Experimental Fluid Mechanics, Munich, Germany, July 2-4, 2018 관리자 2023-07-22 89
216 SJ Lee, “Biofluid flow phenomena and xylem cavitation in vascular plants”, 10th Int. Symp. on Cavitation, Baltimore, USA, May 14-16, 2018 관리자 2023-07-22 83
215 SJ Lee, “Digital holographic microscopy for analyzing 3D dynamics of non-spherical particles”, 5th Int. Congress on Microscopy & Spectroscopy, Oludeniz, Turkey Apr. 24-30, 2018 관리자 2023-07-22 87
214 J. Turk, A. Omilion, W. Zhang, J.J. Kim, J.J. Kim, W.R. Choi, S.J. Lee, “Vortex shedding in the wake induced by a real elephant seal whisker”, 70th APS DFD annual meeting, D9-3, Denver, Colorado, USA, Nov 19-21, 2017 관리자 2023-07-22 66
213 J.H. Park, J.J. Kim, E.S. Yeom, S.J. Lee, “Ultrasound SIV measurement of helical valvular flow behind the great saphenous vein”, 70th APS DFD annual meeting, A5-9, Denver, Colorado, USA, Nov 19-21, 2017 관리자 2023-07-22 81
212 H.J. Kim, K.W. Kim, S.J. Lee, “Nature-inspired multifunctional membrane fabricated by adaptive hybridization of PNIPAm and PPy”, 70th APS DFD annual meeting, A14-8, Denver, Colorado, USA, Nov 19-21, 2017 관리자 2023-07-22 84
211 SJ Lee, “X-ray micro-imaging of various biofluid flow phenomena”, The 3rd East-Asia Microscopy Conference, Busan, Nov.7-10, 2017 관리자 2023-07-22 84
210 SJ Lee, “Development of new nature-inspired biomimetic technologies”, The 12th Int. Symp. on Mechanics, Aerospace and Informatics Engineering 2017, pp. 3-9, Daemyung Resort Goeje Marina, Goeje, Sep. 7-9, 2017 관리자 2023-07-22 121
209 SJ Lee, “Development of nature-inspired technology inspired from plants”, Biomimicry International Symposium 2017, pp.169-185, National Institute of Ecology, Seochun, Korea, Sep. 6, 2017 관리자 2023-07-22 114
208 H.J. Kim, K.W. Kim, S.J. Lee, "Compact and thermosensitive micropump inspired by plant leaf", ASME Fluid Engineering Division Summer Meeting, Waikoloa, Hawaii, July 30 – Aug 3, 2017. 관리자 2023-07-22 85
207 J.E. Ryu, B.G. Hwang, W.J. Kim, S.J. Lee, "Flow regulation in vascular plants: Embolism spreading dynamics and unique radial water refilling", 10th Int. Symp. on Nature-inspired Technology, T2P**,Cebu, Philippines, June 28 - July 1, 2017. 관리자 2023-07-22 69
206 W.D. Kim, H.E. Lim, Y.D. Jung, D.G. Lee, S.C. Park, J.C. Choe, Y.K. Jang, S.J. Lee, H.E. Jeong, J.K. Lee, "Development of sustainable nature-inspired Naturoids to reduce the environmental risks", 10th Int. Symp. on Nature-inspired Technology, T2 관리자 2023-07-22 79
205 H.J. Kim, K.W. Kim, S.J. Lee, "Development of nature-inspired thermos-responsive multifunctional membrane", 10th Int. Symp. on Nature-inspired Technology, F4A03, Cebu, Philippines, June 28 - July 1, 2017. 관리자 2023-07-22 65
204 K.W. Kim, H.J. Kim, J.W. Hong, S.J. Lee, "Ions separation inspired by survival strategies of mangrove", Joint AMN/ISMM/APBCM/ANZMNF Meeting, HOBART, AUSTRALIA, June 26th - 29th, 2017. 관리자 2023-07-22 88
203 J.W. Hong, T.W. Um, K.W. Kim, I.S. Kang, S.J. Lee, "Electric-field-induced droplet dispensing into immiscible fluids for microparticle synthesis and digital droplet manipulation", Joint AMN/ISMM/APBCM/ANZMNF Meeting, HOBART, AUSTRALIA, June 26 - 관리자 2023-07-22 67