Publication Lists

International (Conference)

번호 제목 작성자 날짜 조회수
232 H.N. Kim, W.R. Choi, S.J. Lee, “Development of a new biomimetic mucus-infused surface for sustainable drag reduction”, 15TH Asian Symp. on Visualization, Haeundae Grand Hotel, Busan, 9/25~28, pp. 180, 2019 관리자 2023-07-25 94
231 J.H. Park, W.R. Choi, G.Y. Yoon, S.J. Lee, “Speckle tracking velocimetry using deep learning based super resolution ultrasound image”, 15TH Asian Symp. on Visualization, Haeundae Grand Hotel, Busan, 9/25~28, pp. 171, 2019 관리자 2023-07-25 114
230 S.H. Park, S.J. Lee, “Visualization of amorphous metal organic framework with tunable ion sieving”, 15TH Asian Symp. on Visualization, Haeundae Grand Hotel, Busan, 9/25~28, pp. 142, 2019 관리자 2023-07-25 111
229 H.N. Kim, W.R. Choi, S.J. Lee, "Nature-inspired lubricant-infused surface for sustainable drag reduction", ISNIT2019, poster number 345, Jilin University, Changchun, China, 9/24~26, pp. 14, 2019 관리자 2023-07-25 99
228 E.S. Seo, G.Y. Yoon, H.N. Kim, S.J. Lee, "Characteristic of mucus secretion of loach skin", ISNIT2019, pp. 377, Jilin University, Changchun, China, 9/24~26, 2019 관리자 2023-07-25 85
227 J.H. Lee, S.J. Lee, "Carbonized sucrose-coated PDMS sponge for efficient solar steam generation and desalination of saline water", ISNIT2019, pp. 286, Jilin University, Changchun, China, 9/24~26, 2019 관리자 2023-07-25 77
226 J.Y. Park, T.S. Go, J.E. Ryu, S.J. Lee, "Hydrodynamic of air spreading through wetted cellulose membranes implying safety function of pit membranes in plants", ISNIT2019, pp. 145, Jilin University, Changchun, China, 9/24~26, 2019 관리자 2023-07-25 104
225 S.J. Lee, “Expedition to flow phenomena in vascular plants and development of biomimetic technologies”, 2019 AJK Fluids, San Francisco, USA, July 28-August 1, 2019 관리자 2023-07-25 89
224 W. Choi S.J. Lee, “Hemodynamic characteristics of blood flows around a deformable stenosis”, 2019 AJK Fluids, San Francisco, USA, July 28-August 1, 2019 관리자 2023-07-25 80
223 T. Go, S.J. Lee, “Deep learning-based enhancement of digital holographic particle tracking velocimetry”, 13th ISPIV, Munich, Germany, July 22-24, 2019 관리자 2023-07-25 103
222 J. Turk, W. Zhang, S.J. Lee, "Vortex shedding behind a seal whisker and vortex-induced vibration", 71th APS DFD annual meeting, KP1-49, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, Nov 18-20, 2018 관리자 2023-07-25 97
221 J.J. Kim, J.E. Ryu, S.J. Lee, “Removal of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) using atmospheric humidity caused by plant leaf transpiration”, 71th APS DFD annual meeting, G8-6, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, Nov 18-20, 2018 관리자 2023-07-22 105
220 S.H. Park, K.W. Kim, S.J. Lee, “Selective separation of lithium using brown algae-inspired alginate hydrogel incorporated with phosphonate metal organic framework”, 71th APS DFD annual meeting, E24-4, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, Nov 18-20, 2018 관리자 2023-07-22 79
219 J.Y. Park, J.E. Ryu, S.J. Lee, “Dynamic behavior of bubbles on a porous membrane with different wettabilities”, 71th APS DFD annual meeting, D9-4, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, Nov 18-20, 2018 관리자 2023-07-22 85
218 S.J. Lee and J.J. Kim, “Substantial drag reduction of heavy vehicles using flow control devices”, Int Symposium on Energy, Aberdeen, UK, Aug. 6-9, 2018 관리자 2023-07-22 68